SPlisHSPlasH is a Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulator that covers a
wide range of applications. The simulator is usually configured by a single file
with the extension .json
. This file contains all the information about the
simulation, including the geometry, the physical properties of the fluids, the
boundary conditions, the numerical parameters, and the output files. Sometimes
the configuration can also use extra geometry files.
import inductiva
input_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(
"splishsplash-input-example.zip", unzip=True)
# Set simulation input directory
splishsplash = inductiva.simulators.SplishSplash()
task = splishsplash.run(input_dir=input_dir,
Inductiva Benchmarks#
The following benchmarks are currently available for SPlisHSPlasH:
Fluid Cube S: This benchmark replicates the example in this tutorial, using the deafult values.
Fluid Cube L: This benchmark mirrors the benchmark Fluid Cube S in all aspects except for the particle radius, which has been decreased to 0.0045 and the fluid model, that was doubled in all axis.
Fluid Cube M: This benchmark mirrors the Fluid Cube S benchmark in all aspects except for the particle radius, which has been decreased to 0.0045.
What to read next#
If you are interested in SPlisHSPlasH, you may also be interested in checking the following related simulators that are also avaiable via Inductiva API:
You may also want read the following tutorial, where we exemplify the creation of synthetic data for training a Physics-ML model using SPlisHSPlasH: