CaNS (Canonical Navier-Stokes) is a simulator for massively-parallel numerical simulations of fluid flows. It aims at solving any fluid flow of an incompressible, Newtonian fluid that can benefit from a FFT-based solver for the second-order finite-difference Poisson equation in a 3D Cartesian grid.
CaNS has been built using OpenMPI 4.1.2 and FFTW 3.3.8. We’re currently operating on CaNS version 2.3.4 for CPU, with a GPU version slated for release in the near future.
import inductiva
# Set simulation input directory
input_dir = inductiva.utils.download_from_url(
"", unzip=True)
# Initialize the Simulator
cans = inductiva.simulators.CaNS()
# Run simulation with config files in the input directory
task =,
Closing Notes: CaNS requires input files to include a designated ‘data’ folder for storing simulation outputs.
What to read next#
If you are interested in CaNS, you may also be interested in checking the following related simulators that are also avaiable via Inductiva API: