Quickstart Tutorial#

Welcome to Inductiva, a Python API package that enables running popular open-source physical system simulation packages in the Cloud.

This is a 3-step tutorial to help you get started with Inductiva before running your first simulation example. Should you encounter any errors or issues along the way, our troubleshooting guide is readily available to assist you in resolving them efficiently.

Step 1: Install the Inductiva API with pip#

If you’ve set up the API access token, you’re ready to install the latest Inductiva package release on PyPI with pip.

Simply open your terminal and run:

pip install --upgrade inductiva

Encountering issues? Don’t worry. Head over to our troubleshooting guide to work it out.

Step 2: Request Your API Access Token#

If you don’t have a valid API access token, fill this form and request your own personal API key.

Once you receive your API token, you can then set the INDUCTIVA_API_KEY as an environment variable in your terminal:


Step 3: Verify the Installation with a Test Run#

Now, you can make sure everything is set up correctly with a quick test run! You have two options to test the installation:

  1. through the command line interface (CLI) tool that gets installed automatically when the pip command runs;

  2. programmatically via direct import of the inductiva package in a python command.

Both options are shown below and both output the same version:

# using the CLI tool ($ is the shell prompt):
$ inductiva --version
inductiva 0.5.0
# programmatically through direct python invocation:
$ python -c 'import inductiva; print(inductiva.__version__)'

Troubleshoot installation problems that you might encounter with Inductiva API by checking our troubleshooting guide, FAQs, or getting in touch with our support team directly.